Seiunchin Kata
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Uke No






Suparrenpei (Petchurin)



RF   right foot       North   face front from starting position
LF   left foot       East   face right from starting position
RH   right hand       South   face back from starting position
LH   left hand       West   face left from starting position

The first three moves are relatively slow and hard.  Breath control is important.  This kata should be performed the same (no individual interpretation).  Critical performance criteria for this kata are:

Ø      Shiko dachi stance (stable, consistent, established)

Ø      Embusen (stances facing correct direction – especially to corners)

Ø      Strong breathing during first three steps

Ø      Hips stay at same height between shiko dachi steps (don’t move up and down)


From Ready position:

1.      RF steps into right 45o Shiko dachi.  Orientation: Body NW,  Face N.  Bring hands together at belt level, thumbs and index fingers touching, palms down, to block kick.

Ø      Hands start at hips and move to front.  Application is to block knee, hands look slightly curled.

Ø      Hands end at, or slightly above, belt level.

·        Hands rotate to a palm-up position as if going around a ball.  Bring both hands to face, palms inward, fingertips at eye level.

Ø      Raise hands up as high as possible without distorting posture and shoulders.

·        Close hands into fists, index fingers first, to grab opponent’s collar or arm and pull down so that hands are over the knees.

Ø      Don’t hyperextend the wrist.  Double down strike.

·        Do RH Ura Kake Uke.  LH returns to chamber, open hand, palm up. 

·        Rotate RH into Kake Uke position, then pull RH into the side of the body while LH performs Nukite, palm up, to the front.

Ø      Palm angle is either parallel to floor or slightly angle to floor.

Ø      The pulling hand should pull back until the thumb touches body.

·        Entire sequence done slowly.

Ø      Each of the first three steps should be done slow, deliberate.  Finish one move before starting the next.  Same pace and strength as Sanchin


2.      LF steps into left 45o Shiko dachi.  Orientation: Body NE, Face N.  Bring hands together at belt level, thumbs and index fingers touching, palms down, to block kick.

·        Hands rotate to a palm-up position as if going around a ball.  Bring both hands to face, palms inward, fingertips at eye level.

·        Close hands into fists, index fingers first, to grab opponent’s collar or arm and pull down so that hands are over the knees.

·        Do LH Ura Kake Uke.  RH returns to chamber, open hand, palm up.

·        Rotate LH into Kake Uke position, then pull LH into the side of the body while RH performs Nukite, palm up, to the front.

·        Entire sequence done slowly.


3.      RF steps into right 45o Shiko dachi.  Orientation: Body NW, Face N.  Bring hands together at belt level, thumbs and index fingers touching, palms down, to block kick.

·        Hands rotate to a palm-up position as if going around a ball.  Bring both hands to face, palms inward, fingertips at eye level.

·        Close hands into fists, index fingers first, to grab opponent’s collar or arm and pull down so that hands are over the knees.

·        Do RH Ura Kake Uke.  LH returns to chamber, open hand, palm up.

·        Rotate RH into Kake Uke position, then pull RH into the side of the body while LH performs Nukite, palm up, to the front.

·        Entire sequence done slowly.


4.      Step back quickly with RF to do RF groin kick to rear (Ushiro Ken Geri).  At the same time, pull both hands to in front of the solar plexus.  RH in closed fist, LH open. Orientation: Body N Face N.

·        Sliding Step with RF into right Sanchin dachi and throw RH hidden punch (RF should end up least where shikodachi foot was from a distance perspective).

·        Step back with RF into left side half zen stance and perform right Hiji uchi (elbow strike) to rear keeping LH in front, palm down.

Ø      Elbow strike is straight back, don’t drop down.

·        Throw right Hiji Uchi to the front, striking LH sharply.

·        Entire sequence done with speed and power.

5.      RF steps into right side Re No Ji Dachi.  Orientation: Body NE, Face NE.  Block right side Soe Uke (Union block).  Slowly

Ø      Make sure right elbow is back into normal yoku uke position.

6.      LF steps forward into 45o Shiko dachi.  Orientation: Body SE, Face NE.   LH performs  Gedan Bari. 

·        LF steps back into 45o Shiko dachi.  Orientation: Body NW, Face NE.  RH performs Gedan Bari.

·        Entire sequence done with speed and power.

7.      LF steps into left side Re No Ji Dachi.  Orientation: Body NW, Face NW.  Block left side Soe Uke (Union block).  Slowly.

8.      RF steps forward into 45o Shiko dachi.  Orientation: Body SW, Face NW.   RH performs  Gedan Bari.

·        RF steps back into 45o Shiko dachi.  Orientation: Body NE, Face NW.  LH performs Gedan Bari.

·        Entire sequence done with speed and power.

9.      LF steps back into 90o Shiko dachi.  Orientation: Body W, Face N.  Hands perform Hari Uke (Archer block).  LH ends in front of forehead, first knuckle above nose at eyebrow level.  RH ends above right knee, palm down fingers pointed towards your body.  Slowly.

Ø      Stance and block should finish almost at the same time.

Ø      RH is striking so make sure it is in striking position.

Ø      App 1a:  Opponent RF kicking, RH punching, LF steps diagonally in, RH blocks kick and hooks up catching leg, LH blocks punch, pushes against opponent shoulder/neck (or blocks punch). RH lefts up, LF pushes to push opponent back (option, LF sweeps opponent)

Ø      App 1b:  Do same thing, drop opponent on left knee to break back ala Seipai.

10.   RF steps back into 90o Shiko dachi.  Orientation: Body E, Face N.  Hands perform Hari Uke (Archer block).  RH ends in front of forehead, first knuckle above nose at eyebrow level.  LH ends above left knee, palm down fingers pointed towards your body.  Slowly.

Ø      App 2:  Opponent RF kick, LH punch, LF steps diagonally in, RH blocks kick and hooks kicking leg, LH blocks/catches punch.  LF steps backward into shikodachi, RH rises lifting opponent’s leg, LH pulls forward/down, twisting/driving attacker to ground (hand rotation is key)

11.   Keep LF in place as you step with RF into right Sanchin Dachi.  Orientation: Body N, Face N. RH strikes horizontal strike to side of opponent’s face.  (do you want to add “right elbow strikes against left palm”) LH open, fingers up, palm against right forearm.

12.   RF takes long sliding step forward (don’t hop) and pull LF up into right Sanchin Dachi.  Orientation: Body N, Face N.

·        RH performs Riken (Backfist).  LH remains against right forearm.

13.   Step across with RF and pivot 135o into left Sanchin Dachi.  Orientation: Body SW, Face SW.

·        Hands perform Joge Uke (Double Block) and end with LH up and RH down.

Ø      RH ends in front of groin.

Ø      Slow, deliberate.

14.   RF steps forward into 45o Shiko dachi.  Orientation: Body SE, Face SW.  While stepping, perform RH uppercut to opponent’s chin while LH pulls opponent into the punch and ends in front of solar plexus. Kiai.

Ø      LH grabs head level (grabbing hair), LH pulls down as RH uppercuts.

·        RH performs Riken. LH doesn’t move.

·        RH Tettsui Uchi to groin. LH pulls back into chamber.

·        RF steps back into 45o Shiko dachi.  Orientation: Body NW, Face SW.  LH performs Gedan Bari

·        Entire sequence done with speed and power.

15.   Turn to front while pulling RF into right side Neko Ashi Dachi. Orientation: Body N, Face N.

·        LH pulls into chamber over RH Hiji Uchi (rising elbow strike).  RH ends with fist closed, palm down in front of chest.

Ø      When arms cross the right arm is on top.

Ø      Don’t leave elbow up, bring back down parallel to floor (shoulder posture should be good)

Ø      There is a subtle strike, not a lot of visible power.

16.   RF steps back into zen kutso dachi then pull left foot into left side Neko Ashi Dachi. Orientation: Body N, Face N.

·        RH pulls into chamber over LH Hiji Uchi (rising elbow strike).  LH ends with fist closed, palm down in front of chest.

Ø      When arms cross the left arm is on top.

17.   Step across with LF and pivot 135o into right Sanchin Dachi.  Orientation: Body SE, Face SE.

·        Hands perform Joge Uke (Double Block) and end with RH up and LH down.

18.   LF steps forward into 45o Shiko dachi.  Orientation: Body SW, Face SE.  While stepping, perform LH uppercut to opponent’s chin while RH pulls opponent into the punch and ends in front of solar plexus. Kiai.

·        LH performs Riken.

·        LH Tettsui Uchi to groin.

·        LF steps back into 45o Shiko dachi.  Orientation: Body NE, Face SE.  RH performs Gedan Bari.

·        Entire sequence done with speed and power.

19.   Turn to front while pulling LF into left side Neko Ashi Dachi. Orientation: Body N, Face N.

·        RH pulls into chamber over LH Hiji Uchi (rising elbow strike).  LH ends with fist closed, palm down in front of chest.

·        LF steps back into zen kutso dachi then pull right foot into right side Neko Ashi Dachi. Orientation: Body N, Face N.

·        LH pulls into chamber over RH Hiji Uchi (rising elbow strike).  RH ends with fist closed, palm down in front of chest.

20.   RF takes long sliding step forward (don’t hop) and pull LF up into right Sanchin Dachi.  Orientation: Body N, Face N.

·        LH comes over and in front in clearing motion as RH performs Riken (Backfist).  LH ends open with palm down beneath right elbow (I learned that the clearing motion is more with the heel of the left hand so the LH ends open with palm facing east – similar to book)

21.   RF steps back into left Neko Ashi Dachi.  Both hands reach behind head, bring elbows together and drive downward to break an opponents hold on your lapels.  When hands reach the level of your face, spread the elbows outward keeping fingertips together forming Yama Uke (Mountain block).

Ø      NOTE: Book is wrong.  Left foot is forward.

22.   End.

Copyright 2006 Amber Area YMCA Goju-Ryu Karate