Sanchin Kata
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Uke No






Suparrenpei (Petchurin)



RF   right foot       North   face front from starting position
LF   left foot       East   face right from starting position
RH   right hand       South   face back from starting position
LH   left hand       West   face left from starting position

  1. To begin, slowly slide the right foot forward in an arc into right Sanchin Dachi, while inhaling and executing Morote Chudan Yoko Uke, exhaling as the block is completed. Pull the left fist into the chambered position, inhaling, Then slowly execute a Chudan Tsuke while exhaling. Then, inhale and circle LH back to Yoko Uke posture, exhaling as it is completed.
  2. Next, slide the left foot into left Sanchin dachi and perform the same sequence using the opposite hand. Then, slide the right foot into right Sanchin Dachi and chamber the left hand while inhaling.  Slide the left fist across the chest, palm up, over to directly under the right elbow while exhaling, then cross the right leg over the left into Kosa Dachi and execute a counterclockwise 180 degree turn finishing with a strong LH yoku uke, ending up in left Sanchin Dachi with the right hand chambering while exhaling.  Then slowly execute a RH Chudan Tsuke while exhaling.
  3. Repeat the turning sequence:
  4. Slide the left fist across the chest, palm up, over to directly under the right elbow while exhaling, then cross the right leg over the left into Kosa Dachi and execute a counterclockwise 180 degree turn finishing with a strong LH yoku uke, ending up in left Sanchin Dachi with the right hand chambering while exhaling.  Then slowly execute a RH Chudan Tsuke while exhaling.
  5. Step into rt side Sanchin Dachi and slowly execute a LH Chudan Tsuke while exhaling.  Return RH to Yoko Uke posture, exhaling.   Without stepping, execute RH Chudan Tsuke and return, exhaling.  Execute LH Chudan Tsuke and and leave LH out.
  6. Open both hands palms up, inhale and bring them to the chest.   Then exhale, turn both hands palms-down executing a (spear hand) Nukite.
  7. Next, close hands and slowly bring into chamber, inhaling.  Execute Nukite slowly, exhaling.  Do this sequence 3 times.
  8. Next, circle back w RF into left Sanchin Dachi and execute Mawashi Uke w RH high, LH low.  Push both hands out parallel to floor, exhaling.  Repeat sequence to the other side.
  9. Yame.

Copyright 2006 Amber Area YMCA Goju-Ryu Karate